Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why not me, Why not now?

Do you ever want something but aren’t sure whether or not you deserve it? Maybe you feel like someone else needs it more or wants it more, and therefore deserves it more. Well I know that I have often times felt that way, but no longer think that anyone should feel that way. I heard a pastor give a sermon a few Sundays ago talking about how the time is now, and I truly believe that. I don’t want to make this a sermon though, so I’ll give my version of what he said with minimal biblical references.

So what makes someone worthy or deserving of something that they want? Better yet, what makes someone not deserve what they want? In this country, aren’t we all entitled to the pursuit of happiness? Very wise men thought that the pursuit of happiness was important enough to write it into the Declaration of Independence as one of the sovereign rights that all men hold. So once again I ask you, what makes someone not deserve it?

Does someone not deserve something because they messed up somehow? If that’s the case then many people that have had huge impacts on the world. Take for instance former President George W. Bush, he was arrested a time or so when he was a young man, yet he went on and led the greatest nation in the world. Or how about some of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, many of them practiced slavery, so does that make them undeserving of being influential? Does President Bush’s arrest make him unworthy of being President? Or how about I throw in a biblical reference since this post was inspired by a blog, before he was blinded on the road to Damascus Paul was known as Saul, and he persecuted Christians. But obviously his transgressions didn’t make him unworthy of salvation because he went on to write thirteen of the books in the New Testament. What I’m trying to say is that people make mistakes, but those mistakes don’t make them undeserving of things that they want. If someone can persecute Christians, then go on to become a great Christian and leader in the church himself, than anyone can recover from a mistake and get what they want.

Maybe someone doesn’t deserve something because there is someone that deserves it more? Well on this I say BS. Who decides who is the most deserving of the things that we want in this life? How do you compare two peoples worthiness? The last time I checked there isn’t a rubric to compare lives too. I personally believe that there is no way to tell someone that they aren’t worthy, simply because everyone is worthy and deserves whatever it is in life that they want. They just have to want it bad enough.

Getting what you want is all about wanting it bad enough. The history books aren’t filled with people that sort of wanted something, they are filled with people that have a passion for something and are willing to risk everything.

Take this story for example, in Alabama a young lady was born to a carpenter and a teacher, who later divorced and left the girl to live with only her mother. After attending several rural Alabama schools, she entered a vocational school where she was forced to drop out at an early age to care for her mother and grandmother as they became ill. The young lady finally finished high school at a time when less than 7% of her demographic had a high school diploma. This girl, from such humble beginnings later went on to become one of the most respected and well known leaders in the Civil Rights movement, see this lady was Rosa Parks. Now did Rosa Parks not deserve to sit at the front of the bus with the white people? Of course she did, all men were created equal according to our Declaration of Independence. The difference in Mrs. Parks and the rest of the population at that time is that she wanted something bad enough to risk everything, and she knew that she deserved it.

Not everyone is going to be a civil rights activist that goes on to receive the Congressional Gold Medal and Presidential Medal of Freedom, but everyone is capable of getting what they want out of life if they try hard enough. Rosa Parks wanted something and she went for it, just like we should do with anything that we take on in life today. We should put our whole hearts and minds behind our tasks, and if necessary risk everything to get it. The level of desire we have is the how worthy and deserving we are of something. From now on don’t say “Can I have what I want,” instead say “I want it now.” Instead of saying why should I have it, say why shouldn’t I have it?Instead of saying why should it be me, ask people why it shouldn't be you! See we all deserve all that life has to offer, and we are all capable of getting it, we just have to want it bad enough. From now on let’s not settle for anything less than what we dream of. It’s ours for the taking, we just have to want it bad enough to reach out and grab it! Don’t wait any longer, because life has an expiration date. This is life, and in this life the time is now. Now is the time to have everything you ever wanted, just reach out and grab it!

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